My Story

Hello, I'm Jasmin Chiara..

Professionally, I am known in most of the following roles:

Keynote Speaker

I give keynote speeches and interactive workshops on mindfulness, mental health and self-leadership for teams, universities and schools.


I accompany those seeking meaning in 1:1 sessions and in my online courses on their way and through every situation that life throws at them.


In 2021 I published my first book on mindfulness and entrepreneurship. In addition, the wonderful Happy Mood Journal was created this year, which helps to start the day with more energy every day.


In early 2020 I released the first episode of the EVOLVE podcast. A podcast about mindfulness and personal growth.


Recently I was a visiting professor at Stanford University teaching a class on mindfulness and self-management. I now offer this course at German universities such as the Technical University of Munich.

But in addition to all the roles and titles that we give ourselves and with which we identify, there is always a human story. So I would like to tell you my personal story and why I do what I do.

My friends and family say I'm very energetic, often a whirlwind who can't sit still, very organized and a globetrotter.

I love surfing, meditating, doing yoga, biking through beautiful parks, going to playful festivals, jogging and reading a good book. I also like to develop new ideas and have already published my own journal. I especially love to forget the time with my heart people.

I am very interested in the topics of mindfulness, psychology, philosophy and spirituality. I am also enthusiastic about everything to do with entrepreneurship & technology.

My mission is to bring you inside through consciousness development, to remind you of your strength and to show you how to bring mindfulness into your life and thus live more fulfilled and happier lives.

My Early Years

My curiosity has always driven me to find out what's behind things. As a small child, I could never anticipate situations because I wanted to know what was going to happen.

Even in elementary school, I always wanted to be among the best, because I quickly realized that I supposedly got more recognition, especially from my parents.

However, there were also phases in high school when it wasn’t cool enough to be a high-performing student and I really wanted to be part of it. So the grades got worse and I was more dissatisfied inside. Because secretly I knew that I could only go to a special university with good grades and that had always been my big dream. Because that's how I saw it in the American Hollywood movies that I loved so much and in which all the people always looked so happy.

This created a dilemma in me and when this inner turmoil became so great that I could no longer stand it, I sought help from my mother. She was a life coach and had spoken many times about how she helped her clients. This is how I first came into contact with coaching. This changed everything, not only in me but also in the relationship with my mother.

Different Paths

Years later I separated from my long-term relationship and fell into a deep hole. But my hectic life distracted me. I was now at one of the most renowned universities, worked for a top consultancy, and also in a bar to earn more money and had very good grades. And yet I felt such a great emptiness that I could not fill.

I plunged into a very intense period of study and work, always busy, distracted and constantly on the go. Always doing something, never resting and always performing. The only thing that made me feel happy was the recognition and admiration of others.

I became dissatisfied with my life, with my body, with myself and could not name the origin. But a few years later, in 2018, everything changed.

I was just traveling to Barcelona for my second semester abroad. There was this little spark in me, this basic trust that tells me that everything would change now. Suddenly I no longer had 2 jobs alongside my studies and hardly any lectures. Suddenly I had time! Much time! And so time to think about my life. I felt that emptiness again and didn't know what to do.

But I didn't want to consult my mother again and only manage to heal with her help again. This is how I first came into contact with the topic of mindfulness and meditation. I heard it on a podcast and suddenly I was reading books that changed my worldview.

This is how my intensive period of personality development began. I learned to forgive, I learned to be thankful, I learned to love myself.

Following My Why

When I came back, I wasn't the same person anymore. My goals had changed, my personality had changed. Some of my friends did not recognize me and were therefore very confused and sometimes even averse to my new ideas.

But I didn't let that dissuade me. Inside I had built up such a strong confidence that I was doing the right thing. For the first time I had the feeling that I was doing something for myself without wanting to do justice to others.

A lot has changed since then. My personal path, my why, opened up to me more and more and the topic of mindfulness entered my life more and more. I was accepted for a start-up grant, which opened many doors for me and in which other, like-minded grantees confirmed that I should follow my path. This gave me new courage to keep going.

I then traveled alone to Sri Lanka to do Vipassana (a 10 day silent meditation retreat) and it completely changed my perspective on meditation.

At the beginning of 2020 I started the EVOLVE podcast, in which I was able to interview interesting and very inspiring personalities and also through the stories of others I gained more and more confidence to go other ways.

I attended numerous training courses and retreats, was allowed to go to Stanford to write my master's thesis and to teach as a guest lecturer. I published a book, a journal and founded a start-up.

My path is no exception, you too can find your personal path and follow it. The most important thing is that you trust yourself and don't give up when the path seems hopeless.

Nice that you're here!

What is mindfulness?

"Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom."

~ Viktor Frankl

The Origins

Mindfulness has its origins in Buddhist philosophy and aims to be aware of the present moment.

It is also often referred to as a practice that is embedded in various traditions and religions. It ranges from various religions, such as Hinduism and Buddhism, to yoga and non-religious meditations.

In the early 1980s, researchers began to study mindfulness scientifically and establish it in the western world. So it became very popular in the western world.

One of the pioneers in the western world was Thich Nhat Hanh, a well-known spiritual teacher, poet and peace activist

Jon Kabat-Zinn also became known in the western world for his mindfulness research and especially his mindfulness-based-stress-reduction (MBSR) training.

Mindfulness as Basis

In my opinion, mindfulness is the basis for everything. Mindfulness helps you to observe and reflect on yourself in order to get to know yourself better. You learn to experience every moment of your precious lifetime more consciously just by being present. You are more grateful for the things that are already there and you can be more loving and gentle with yourself. So mindfulness is a path to your personal happiness.

Mindfulness & Meditation

One of the most popular mindfulness tools is meditation.

Meditation is a mindfulness-based practice that involves a mindful state of awareness without evaluation or perception of internal and external stimuli. It serves as a standard tool in the Buddhist world and aims to bring awareness to the present moment (Nyanaponika, 1971).

That's why I work so much with this tool. A tool that connects you with your breathing and thus with your source of life and brings you completely into the present moment.

Connect with me on social media:

For lecture and workshop bookings, please send an email to evolve[a]jasminchiarabauer.com

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